Friday, November 5, 2010

D-310 Textures, mutted color and something old

For the daily shoot challenge Make a photo today with a subject low in color saturation. Bonus points for not using a software slider! and project 365 FB textures

Again I revisited some oldies but goodies. This was just 3 years ago 11/10/2007
shot with my first digital, Nikon D-80 on Auto Mode.
Pryamid - Riviera Mayan

Riviera Mayan Pryramid

we were able to take Khalila, my youngest daughter as a graduation gift and she took the opportunity and shot her photography class project (film and black and white). This has definately been one of the highlights of my life - watching her get very excited about all of this historic stuff.
It didn't matter that it was shot on Auto or that the composition wasn't "perfect" it was a "moment" in her life that we were able to captre and those Pyramids OMG! Had a blast.

Riviera Mayan Khalila


greygirl25 said...

I love your pyramids.

Sometimes I catch myself getting caught up in composition and exposure. I miss the shear love of taking pictures in the act of the moment.

Nice post Sandra.

Unknown said...

Nice work on the assignment!

I love that you captured the moments at the pyramids - that's so important!

Unknown said...

Super cool on her assignment. That is the best. Good job on your daily too...the leaves add to the feel of it nicely.

Anonymous said...

I like your take on the TDS assignment. Nice choice of the subject and background. I really like the fact that the pattern on the acorn matches with the pattern on the background. As a good photog, you took time to observe the details to capture them in your shot. Its shows your commitment to this project.

Good work Sandra!

AB said...

Nice chunky pyramids you have your side of the Atlantic


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