45 out of 365 days and counting!
Lens challenge #6 out of #7.
It's my hubby - well he was the only one home besides the dogs - LOL I need the practice so whoever is around will be tested on in the "studio." I'm still having issues with my light meter and my lights but I continue practicing. His head was skimmed off by the frame I added.
Please CC

I'm not much help with studio lighting but this doesn't look too bad to me!
Looks like your doing great Looks like he's amused to have his picture tken though, LOL
On looking again, I'd say you might want to tone down your secondary light, to give some more, slight, modeling shadow
It's great to have a willing model - even if he doesn't smile. :-)
It looks a little cool to me, but you're doing great - keep showing us your practice!
He looks about as thrilled as my husband is when I ask to shoot him...except your husband is actually in front of the camera! LUCKY!
I am no where to know how it all works. Pix looks good.. Keep it up.. I know you will get it right.
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