Thursday, January 8, 2009

My manicure date . . .

Yesterdays post is a wash . . .as a matter of fact I copied this quote off of my friend, Pam's blog
“Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever.”Horace Mann
That was for yesterday . . .it's gone.
Isabella came over for a visit today and one of our customs (if you will) has been that before she leaves she gets my nail polish bag and picks a color (usually red or pink) and I do her toes and her finger nails. Well, she is a whole TWO years old, so today, after I painted her nails the perfect, princess pink - it was my turn. YIKES what a mess!!! but she promises me they are "pretty pretty like a princess" and I guess she wouldn't lie to me, would she?
just a snap shot but look at those nails . . . .

I always enjoy her company.


Amanda said...

That is very sweet! Look at how she is concentrating! I let my daughter do my toenails, but not my finger nails. You're a lot nicer than me. :)

Jennifer said...

awesome precious moment captured. May some day she will be good at it.

Eric L said...

Lol, this is like Shari-cure, but more durable, LOL

PLPortraiture said...

P R I C E L E S S !

A Perfect ending to a busy day, I am sure.

Tess said...

Grand-daughters must be so much better than daughters! :)

Kendy said...

The content you have provided is pretty interesting and useful and I will surely take note of the point you have made in the blog.

Today while I was surfing the Internet, I read about Gel Nails being the latest trend now in the nail fashion industry. After reading about gel nails, I think it’s a great way to dress up your nails giving them a trendy look. I also came across this site gel-nails where you can check out some really cool stuff for your nail decoration.

If you are a professional nail artist or run a nail salon, you can get a bulk order discount and use the best nail products for your customers. I have bought the professional luxury gel nail kit from here and this is great value for my money.

I thought this information might be useful for anyone looking for genuine nail decoration stuff and may not know where to buy them from.


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