Little by little, moment by moment, day by day. That's how the knowledge is coming. I pick up the manual every single day, I pick up the other book (which ever one that may be at the time)and I read. A little bit each day and it's amazing how many books I've gone through. It's amazing how much knowledge is to be had, but not all at once, just a little at a time. I'm almost at the half way point with my manual and I've completed many books since starting this challenge, thanks to Tasra Mar's blog
Are you working on your education/enlightenment a little bit everyday?
Another one from the Daily Shoot
Daily Shoot #206
"Place or find a subject floating on water today---boats, leaves, ice cubes, etc.---and make a photo!"

My reading corner:
Nikon D-300 User's Manual Pages 177-178
Now reading:
A Short Course in Photography by London & Stone pages 34-37
Images Viewed: Studio Logic
Lovely photo! I love the blue - so pretty! Great detail in the shot too.
I have to admit that I started the daily shoot so I would force myself to work at my photography again. It's been very hard to balance everything in this last month!
Nice sharpness on the petals and I like the white flowers in blue water. Love the trails too :)
I love the contrast of the white against the blue.
Yesterday I watched "A Day With Jay" on Kelby Training. He referred to shooting everyday as visual push-ups. I loved that.
But, I have a confession... I have yet to crack open my owners manual.
Beautiful blue water
this is gorgeous, the blue tones and the details in the petals are very appealing
Pretty color...
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