All Saints Church is a Cathedral Style. I don't have any of the data that goes with this church but it is the second time I take pictures of it. I love it's Gothic Cathedral Style and I'm pretty sure it's part of the historical society's listing. I'll get back to you on that. What do I do when I get nothing but grey skies? I add texture and color. I'm still learning to blend so they are not perfect but they are pretty dramatic.

This one is also in Hammond but this one is for sale.

This one is just for laughs: Ghetto Hood Prop. Seriously?

After work I ran 4 miles today.
I really like the blending! Would love to purchase the 2nd building! LMAO @ the hood prop... wondering if they have a 3 legged table in the house now. :p
That first one IS dramatic. Nice work! I just love all the details in your architectural shots.
That hood prop is funny.
These are stunning!! I really like the color in you post processing. The 3rd one is funny! Great job running 4 miles!!
i love these;) and girl you are doing great with your running!!! you are inspiring me!! i walked 3 1/2 miles today and jogged the other half!!!!
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